Hell On Shirts
My first ever collaboration with Hell On Shirts, and it marked a significant milestone for me, as it allowed me to work on an official release for one of my all-time favorite horror movies, Stuart Gordon's 1985 cult classic, "Re-Animator." "Re-Animator" is a true gem in the world of horror cinema, well known for its darkly comedic elements and unforgettable characters. When I was tasked with creating this design, I wanted to capture that unique blend of horror and humor.
I wanted the central focus of the design to be the film's main character, Herbert West. Having him depicted holding the iconic dead cat, Rufus, while Dr. Hill's re-animated head lurks eerily in the background, paying homage to the film's unforgettable scenes while also having elements incorporated that are synonymous with "Re-Animator" like The prominent use of neon greens, reminiscent of the mysterious reagent Herbert West uses.